Born 1980. Lives and works in Oslo
2010-12 MA Billedkunst, Statens kunstakademi, Oslo
2007-10 BA Billedkunst, Statens kunstakademi, Oslo
2020 Kunstverien ST. Pauli Hamburg, DE
2019 Gallery K, Fields of linen, hips of mountain chains in the wind, Oslo, NO
Duoshow with Andrea Bakketun, Portal, Nationalgallery, Oslo, NO
2018 Triumph Gallery, Contemporary Art Museum in Moscow, RU
The National Gallery, Oslo, NO
Oslo Kunstforening, NO
Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunst, NO
2017 Galleri K, The Oceans Blue Dots in the Black Backdrop, Oslo, NO Edvard Munchs
House in Warnemunde, DE
QB Gallery, Oslo, NO
2016 Chanting Chirping (Chiroptera) All Clamoring Elevator Dings, The Munch Museum,
Oslo, NO Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich for 1857 Gallery, Manifesta 1I, Biennale for
Contemporary Art, CH Edvard Munch ́s Ekely, Black holes in state of minds, Oslo,
2015 Edvard Munch ́s studio at Ekely, I ́m living in history, Alle tiders Kunst, NO
Performance at 1857 Gallery, Driving a Bus to Theodor Kittelsens house in Hvitsten, NO
Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO
Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, NO
Bærum Kulturhus, Akershus, NO
2014 Det blir spilt gramofon på veien. Edvard Munch ́s Ekely, Oslo, NO
The forest is the most holy place. You can hear the pope from Rome, Røgden bruk,
Finnskogen, NO
2013 The dog with the dirty hands. Landings project space, Arena Vestfossen, Buskerud,
NO, I can see for miles and miles, Noplace, Oslo, NO
Frise Kunstlerhause Hamburg 40 years, DE
Kunsthall Oslo Collective Chaosmos, NO
2019 The Munchmuseum in Oslo Exit, NO, Havana Biennale Cuba, collateral secret spot.
Kunsthall Oslo, How the universe works NO.
Rogaland Kunstnersenter, duoutstilling with Herman Ernest Mbamba.
2018 Kunsthall Oslo, NO. Labor Gallery, Cologne, DE
Juleutstillingen, Kunstnerforbundet,Oslo NO
2017 Juleutstillingen, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO
Sleuths of time travel poetry, 2025 Gallery, Hamburg, DE
Wildlife sculpture park, NO
2016 Steinnedleggelsesseremoni, performance with Marianne Heier, Morten Krohg and
Marthe Ramm Fortun, The Munch Museum, Oslo, NO
Hvitsten Art walk, Hvitsten salong, NO
New talents biennale Cologne, iD new talents, Cologne, DE
2015 Oslo kunstforening, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB art price (winner), NO
Open video, Space 4235, Genova, IT
Grafikkavdelingen visning av utvalg A. Jorn og yngre kunstnere, Kunstnerforbundet, NO
Teletext on TV in DE, CH and AUS, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, AUS
Ulving kunsthandel, Åsgårdstrand, NO
Pink Cube, Oslo, NO
Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, NO
The Prague Quadrennial of Performance, Design and Space, Prague, CZ
Galleri LNM, Independent bird on canvas abstracted by a poetic world, Oslo, NO Oslo
Rådhus, Rådhusgalleriet, Oslo, NO
Papay Gyro Nights International Art Festival, Hong Kong and Orkney Islands, UK
Performance with Frog King, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Art Basel, Hong Kong
Tilfældet Oslo, Ringsted Galleri, DK
2014 Vector Oslo, Essay collection, Release at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo and MoMA PS1,
New York Art Book Fair, NY
Descend along my eyelashes, UKS, Oslo, NO
Fluxus Autonomus, Theodor Kittelsens house, Hvitsten, NO Tunnelsyn, Trafo kunsthall,
Asker, NO
Reisebrev mangesteds fra, performance with A. Bakketun & S.L. Haaland, Tidene rundt
Kristianiabohemen, C.Krohg Gl. Strand, Copenhagen, DK
Billedhuggerforeningen, Oslo, NO
2013 Malmö Nordic, Malmö konsthall, SE
Touristification, when the storm wallows around the house, (A) Void Gallery, Prague, CZ
Unge inviterte, Galleri LNM, Oslo, NO
De ureelle enemerker, Røgden bruk, Finnskogen, NO
The Bathers at Edvard Munch ́s house, Ramme Gaard, Hvitsten, NO
Colomborama, W17, Kunstnernes hus, Oslo, NO
Papay Gyro Nights, International Contemporary Art Festival, Orkney Islands, UK
2012 Salta Bambolina, Dogs from Caracas, curated by 1857, with Petter Ballo and Henrik Lie, Kaleidioscope Artfair, Roma Contemporary Arena, Macro Testaccio, Macro Museum, Rome, IT
Milli Vanilli, Grünerløkka Kunsthall, Oslo, NO
Circus Caracas Cerberus, Høstutstillingen på Oslo S, Kunsthall Oslo, NO
Gavu Cheb Museum, Prague, CZ
BOA Open, Galleri BOA, Oslo, NO
Stranda Kunstforening, NO
MA Degree show, Statens kunstakademi, Kunstnernes hus, Oslo, NO
7. Berlin biennale, Berlin, DE
Calma Maria Magdalena,18 st. Artcenter, Los Angeles, USA
Galleri Premiss, Bergen, NO
Watercolors injection flout of the soul, The Royal Academy, Copenhagen, DK Com-andante
brutale, Tidens krav, Oslo, NO
Word perfect, Noplace, Oslo, NO
2011 Hope u guess my name uhm uhm, Mejan, The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, SE
Paralellaksjonen, Kunsthall Oslo, NO
Slum dogs not millionaires, Noplace, Oslo, NO
The instinct of collaboration, One star press, Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, NO
Stribsenberg collection of modern art, curated by Christian T. Norum. UKS, Oslo,
NO Ghost Finger, Tidens Krav, Oslo, NO
The institute of social hypocrisy, Oslo, NO
Vamos ala playa, Podium, NO
More Pricks than Kicks, Galleri Mymälä, Helsinki, FI
2010 Prosjektrommet P0, Curated by Dag Erik Elgin and Trude Iversen, Oslo, NO
Skulpturbiennalen, Det geografiske oppmåling, Oslo, NO
Salong 2010, Rod Bianco Gallery, Oslo, NO
Mums and Dads, Curated by Annika Strøm, Kunstnernes hus, Oslo, NO
BA Degree show, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Tullinløkka Kunsthall, Oslo
Spring 2010 Oil on wood, Dortmund Bodega, Oslo, NO
Nasjonalgalleriet i solnedgang, Tullinløkka, In relation to Untuned Bell by AK. Dolven, Oslo, NO
Degenerert kunst! High and luv, Sungam Noty Gallery Tjuvholmen, Oslo, NO
2009 Onestarpress, Release of artist book: Hunting Cabochon, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, NO
Multiple stress press, Museum of Contemporary art, Oslo, NO
Hotch Potch, MKII in Hackney, London, UK
Are Blytt and Declan Rooney curate something nice, Kunstprojects, Berlin, DE
You know these days painted by umbrellas, Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, NO
Hotch potch, Bjarne Melgaards studio, Oslo, NO
Floating island excerpts, Curated by Christian Tony Norum, (Venice Biennale) Venice, IT
The ongoing show, Curated by Christian Tony Norum, Paris, FR
Cryptocrystalline, Die Fabriek, Eindhoven, NL
2018 Arts Council Norway, 3 year work grant
2016 Ingrid Lindbäck Landgaards stipend
Arts Council Norway, 2 year work grant for young artists Arts Council Norway, Project grant
Arts Council Norway, Exhibition grant
2015 Sparebankstiftelsen (DNB) Artprice, Oslo Kunstforening NBK, BKV, Work grant
The Norwegian embassy in Bejing, Travel grant
2014 Ingrid Lindbäck Langaard stipend. Kulturaadet prosjektstøtte
NBK, BKV, Work grant
2013 International support, OCA
2012 BKH grant
2010 and 2012 Grant on completion of art studies, Norwegian Arts Council
2016 The Munch Museum, Chanting Etc, Oslo, NO
2015 Edvard Munch ́s Ekely, Menneskeberget, Oslo, NO
2014 Skogul Gondul, videoprogram composed in collaboration with Andrea Bakketun, for
Gyro Nights, Orkney Islands and Hong Kong
2010 Henrik Plenge Jackobsen ́s collection, Curated by Christian Tony Norum, with Matias
Faldbakken, Stephan Dillemuth, Henrik Plenge Jackobsen and Karl Holmquist amongst !
others, Oslo, NO
Edvard Munchs house in Warnemunde, DE
Edvard Munchs Ekely, Skøyen, Oslo, NO
Moly Sabata Foundation Albert Gleizes. Sablons, FR Villa Moderne, Paris, FR Papay Gyro
Nights Orkney Islands, UK
2017 Et Rockeliv, critique by Stian Gabrielsen, Kunstkritikk
Open letter to Oslo Kommune, Morgenbladet
2016 Det umulige blir mulighet, critique Kunstnerforbundet, by Tommy Ohlsson,
Bartenders behind the painting, Munch Museum report, Mariann Enge, Kunstkritikk
Kommende: Tingenes kretsløp, by Tine Semb, Billedkunst 2015 Med inspirasjon fra
Munch, article, Heidi Borud, Aftenposten
Artist Portrait, Magasinet KUNST
Tar opp arven fra Munch’s grafikktradsjon, Heidi Borud, Aftenposten De nye arkivarene,
Line Ulekleiv, Klassekampen
Kunstnerportrett og intervju av Are Blytt, Kunstforum
Christian Tony Norum Sæther at Edvard Munch ́s Ekely, Kunstkritikk
2014 Fantasifulle kulisser, critique Descend along my eyelashes, by Kjetil Røed,
Aftenposten 2013 Tilfældet Oslo, represented in article by Henrik Plenge Jakobsen,
Artist portrait, Amica magazine, Milano
2012 20 Ma exibitions, critique by Stian Gabrielsen, Kunstkritikk
Art Spaces, represented in the article Slumdogs not millionaires, New Museum, New york
24 Spaces, A Cascophy at Malmø Konsthall, Contemporary Art Daily
Queen Sonja Art award, MS Hurtigruta Roald Amunsen, The first Hybrid crus ship.
The National Museum, Oslo, NO. The Nationalgallery, Oslo, NO. Storebrand Art
Collection, NO. Private collections, NO
The Norwegian Bank, NO. Kistefoss Museet, NO
Short Bio and website
Norum has exhibited and performed at institutions and galleries like The Munch Museum in
Oslo,Kunstnerforbundet Oslo, Kunstverein GLStrand (Copenhagen), Manifesta
11.Zurich, UKS, young artist society (Oslo), Papay Gyro Nights Art Festival (Papay
Westray, Orkney Islands and Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong), Kunsthall
Oslo, The National Autumn Exhibition at Oslo S (Oslo), Munch’s Ekely (Oslo),
Kittelsens House/ 1857 gallery (Hvitsten/Oslo/Roma/Zurich), Oslo Kunstforening
(Oslo), House of Artists (Oslo), Berlin biennale, National gallery of Oslo, The
Nationalmuseum Of Contemporary Art (Oslo), NoPlace (Oslo), Malmö Konsthall
(Malmö), MACRO Museum/ curated by Kaleidoscope Magazine,Roma
Contemporary Arena.Macro Museum,Macro Testaccio,(Roma), MOMA PS1 (New
York), Tidens Krav (Oslo), 18th street Art Center (LA) and Gavu Cheb Museum