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Nasjonalgalleriets sjel stemme og videreføring

Soloshow by Christian Tony Norum at Nasjonalgalleriet i Oslo

Andrea Bakketun and Christian Tony Norum


Christopher Nielsen og Kim A. Hagen

Kim A. Hagen

Diana Kinnerød

Whalesharkattack kicking it, with the next generation of kids.

Then the exhibition continued over the next side of the street, at Universitetsgata 14, The earlier Harald Holst Halvorsens Kunsthandel.

Former Life
I've lived beneath huge portals where marine
Suns coloured, with a myriad fires, the waves;
At eve majestic pillars made the scene
Resemble those of vast basaltic caves.
The breakers, rolling the reflected skies,
Mixed, in a solemn, enigmatic way,
The powerful symphonies they seem to play
With colours of the sunset in my eyes.
There did I live in a voluptuous calm
Where breezes, waves, and splendours roved as vagrants;
And naked slaves, impregnated with fragrance,
Would fan my forehead with their fronds of palm:
Their only charge was to increase the anguish
Of secret grief in which I loved to languish.
— Roy Campbell, Poems of Baudelaire (New York: Pantheon Books, 1952)
MVH Christian Tony Norum
All photos taken by Øystein Thorvaldsen
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